Deep Venous Thrombosis

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Definition - What does Deep Venous Thrombosis mean?

Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT) is the formation of a blood clot within the deep veins of the body. The area of the body that this primarily occurs is in the lower extremities, although clots can form at other points as well. This condition may cause inflammation and pain throughout the affected area, however symptoms may not occur at all during this process. Deep venous thrombosis is also called deep vein thrombosis.

SureHire explains Deep Venous Thrombosis

DVT is a serious condition that can have several different causes. A person may have a medical condition that affects how their blood naturally clots. DVT can also be caused when the body is immobile for long periods of time. Lack of motion can cause the blood clots to form. This type of immobility is common during post surgery procedures as the affected person may be unable to move for long periods of time.

The danger of DVT is from the possibility of a piece of the clot formation breaking off and moving through the bloodstream to the heart, lungs, brain, or other vital area. This can cause a blockage of blood flow and interfere with vital body functions. When the clot breaks away and moves through the body to become lodged in another place it is called an embolism. This condition can be fatal if not treated quickly, depending on the location and severity of the embolism.

Because one risk factor for DVT is lack of motion, it is important that a workplace allow workers to move at regular intervals to improve circulation and reduce risk.

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